Day 32: Great Falls to Dupayre Day 34: Day off in Glacier National Park 

Day 33: Dupayre to Glacier National Park

Long day with lots of hills. Especially at the end of the day. There were some hills where we would climb and climb and climb. And then we would descend a great hill at high speeds. And then climb and climb and climb. And then descend. Got to where we didn’t want to descend anymore since there would just be another really long hill to climb!

But the last descent was 3 miles into the glacier valley and it was spectacular. The views from the tops of the hills were awesome as well.

At camp, Sam suggested we tackle "Going to the Sun" road that night instead of waiting until the day off. I was thinking about going hiking on the day off so this sounded good. It's amazing how the previous day had me dragging myself along, then the next day I do 90 miles and am fine with doing a world-class climb at the end of it for fun. It was 12 miles uphill and quite steep near the end, but we just put our heads down and pedaled up.

It was amzingly beautiful and, as I told Sam, I expected to see God on his throne at the top. It was just that spectacular.

Everyone in our group finally made it to the top as the sun was setting. It was quite cold and I was glad I had carried up so much warm weather gear. After taking the pictures, we coasted down the slopes at around 50 mph and had a great time.

Back at camp we had missed dinner, so we ate what was around and headed off to bed. It had been another 100+ mile day for us and that always makes for some good sleep.

 Day 32: Great Falls to Dupayre Day 34: Day off in Glacier National Park