Day 66: Rest Day in Waikanae Day 68: Queen Elizabeth Park to Porirua 

Day 67: Waikanae to Queen Elizabeth Park

Distance Covered: 21 km


One more push to the end! And today was pretty good, too. We started with pastries from the grocery store called Countdown. After much scientific research, we have determined that they have superior pastries over the New World chain. Science!

Then it was 10 km of track to the beach on a river side trail. The wonderful thing about this city’s river trail is that it was dirt! This is amazing considering that every other example we’ve walked has been cement or asphalt. Incredible. It made a big difference too as we were able to enjoy this morning stroll along the river, by horse facilities, boardwalked “scientific reserves”, and public parks. Very nice.





Then it was beach walking again, the last of the island. The waves and their timing were reminiscent of ninety mile beach all those days ago. The waves are broken and come in shallow for a long time, resulting in a constant white noise. (East coast waves come in one at a time and more powerfully.) We took our time here, taking a long break to just watch the sea.


Across a narrow channel, we could see Kapiti island. Back in the first peaks of the Tararua Range we could just see this stretch of land far in the distance. Now it was there in front of us, looming large. Seeing visible landmarks such as this come and go on the horizon is something we never tire of. It gives a real sense of accomplishment.

We followed the beach along and stopped for lunch at a little beachside park. The young women were trying to wear as little as possible while stretched out on the sand. The old people were dressed head to toe to avoid the sun. Emily and I thought it was cool and windy enough to wear our jackets. It was quite the fashion scene in that little park.

We ended the beach walk a couple of hours later and then meandered inland through the dunes of the Queen Elizabeth Park. Up and down through well maintained trail, curving around the scrubby contours of the sandy hills we walked. No rush today as we were feeling laconic, probably an effect of the day off and knowledge that the island is winding up. In fact, at the end of that track we sat on a bench and took a small nap in the sun. Very nice.



We decided to stay in the campground in the park when we got up. The next section is 10 km and then finding a place to stay becomes a real challenge. Also, gray clouds were gathering and the wind was rising. Not a good combination for the cliff walking in that section.

The campsite was very busy with many young families around. Their tents are huge. Four and six bedroom tent mansions with central living rooms including chairs. They are probably bigger than the rooms I grew up in! We gawked somewhat jealously while setting up our tent in the high southerly winds. Man, it’s cold and windy in New Zealand.

Tomorrow we will get through the much hyped Escarpment Track that was opened last year. It’s new to the region and partly funded by the Te Araroa. It advertises in the notes as an experience we will never forget!


 Day 66: Rest Day in Waikanae Day 68: Queen Elizabeth Park to Porirua