Traveling Day 1: Cape Reinga to Twilight Beach 

Today's the Day

We’ll be catching a ride in a couple of hours on a tour bus to Cape Reinga. After a few pictures, we’ll just start walking south. Part of it seems real, part of it doesn’t, and part of it feels like nothing. Like, okay, here we go, we are going to walk now.

Yesterday’s journey to Kaitaia was uneventful. The bus ride from Auckland had beautiful views in many areas. Lots of green, rolling hills dotted with sheep and cattle. Plenty of tropical forests scattered around and a few stunning bay scenes. The road only briefly followed the trail, so much of what we saw gave us a feel for the country without “ruining” the discovery portion. It was interesting to think about how it took 5 or so hours to drive here, but it will take weeks to walk back to Auckland.

Side notes are that not many people outside of Auckland seem to take credit cards and if they do it’s a specific New Zealand company. Also, Chinese food doesn’t come with rice by default apparently, all food is expensive, and sushi is everywhere. Also, the reputation of friendliness continues: The hotel clerk at “The Northener” gave us a free USB charger when we asked where in town we could buy one. Very nice.

Now, onward and forward!

 Traveling Day 1: Cape Reinga to Twilight Beach