Day 51: Poukaria Campsite to Mangapapa Campsite Day 53: Mangawhaiiti to Ngapora 

Day 52: Mangapapa Campsite to Mangawhaiiti Campsite

Distance Covered: 36 km


Last night was actually warm in the tent! It feels like it’s been weeks that we haven’t had to bundle up to stay warm. It’s been so cool and rainy that you’d swear it was early spring, not summer here.



The river was slowish. Not slow, but slower and some work was involved in making it downhill. No complaints here, though, as it feels good to get an upper body workout for once. And the occasional rapid sped things up to make it interesting.

The cliffs continue. And all the greenery and forests can be admired. When we tramp through thick bush and deep mud we can’t really look around. Each step is a calculation. If you want to admire you have to stop. Not so on the river where you can paddle and admire together.



We stopped at John Coull hut where we said we would camp. We found the manager abrasive, though, and also knew the large group was going to camp there. (Some of the larger campsites have camp managers.) Onward and Forward!

From there, we meandered down the river enjoying conversation while we paddled lazily along, splitting up for the rapids we came across. Before we knew it, we were in camp. It wasn’t even 4 PM yet. We setup and then did the rarest of things on this trip: took a nap. So nice.



Then it was dinner and talking and laughing. It’s really been a great time these last few days. Tomorrow we will come across the Bridge to Nowhere trail and hike up it to see the bridge.

 Day 51: Poukaria Campsite to Mangapapa Campsite Day 53: Mangawhaiiti to Ngapora