Day 22: Mangawhai Heads to Pakiri Day 24: Pakiri to the Dome Carpark 

Day 23: Rest Day in Pakiri

Today mostly involved walking as little as possible. There isn’t much here except for the beach and we’ve seen a lot of that lately. No stores other than the camp store. No cafes. WiFi is $2 for 250 MB, so limited Internet too. So everything is setup for a day of nothing. 

We waved our friends goodbye as they walked off. We hope they had a good day. They all want to push to Auckland before having a rest day. If they can do about 25 km a day they’ll be there in five days.

The camp store had a few things… meat pies, chips, and ice cream. So we tried to eat different food and fatten up.

And I finally had time to update the blog. I take notes every day. Sometimes, though, there isn’t time to flesh it out. And WiFi is pretty bad here.

The WordPress app, by the way, is poor quality. Did you know you can delete an entire post with the accidental press of a button and there’s no way to undo it once a few seconds have passed? It’s true… I tested it for science. Also, did you know the Android system has no undo feature when pasting over text? It’s true… I also tested that for science by (somehow) pasting over an entire post with a single word from the clipboard. Science!

 Day 22: Mangawhai Heads to Pakiri Day 24: Pakiri to the Dome Carpark