You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

Way back in "who knows when", I was Charlie Brown in a play produced by our homeschool group. I think I was probably about eleven, give or take a year. Normally, I wouldn't even share these snippets, but one of my lifelong friends, Tim, is featured in some of them and it's endlessly hilarious to me seeing him dance and sing. I figure turnabout is fair play, so here we are.


This first one is of me eating lunch and talking about the little redheaded girl across the way.


And this one is a solo song about me flying a kite. I swear to you, my voice never cracked once in rehearsals. 



And here's the finale. You can see that there were actually quite a few kids playing each character. 



But enough of me, let's talk more about Tim. He was Schroeder and he was hilarious. He also ended up with a PhD in aerospace engineering and he's a Director at Southwest Research Institute, so there's evidence that acting in homeschool plays improves your odds of success. Here's his four appearances:






And here's my sister playing Snoopy. Her line is "Nobody ever calls me sugar lips!"



And, finally, here's the parade of moms at the end who did so much hard work to produce the play. I can't imagine anybody but the most dedicated would watch this (I barely watched it myself), but I add it here for completeness.



I had a lot of fun converting this from an old VHS tape I found. I know Tim's wife and friend's have been getting a big kick out of it too. Ha!