Day 55: Koriniti to Hipanga Park Day 57: Whanganui to Koitiata 

Day 56: Hipanga Park to Whanganui

Distance Covered: 20 km


Today is Christmas Eve for us. It started with lots of rain. Pouring down from the sky like a bucket was tipped over. The big group of people decided to leave by 7 AM because their tide chart said high tide was at 7:30 and they figured to get out a little early so they could finish early. We figured that, being 20 km upstream, there would be a lag between high tide and the effect up here. Also, our tide chart said high tide was closer to 8. So we decided to enjoy a relaxed morning and go out around 8:30.

In the meantime, rain kept falling heavy and steady. There was one break for less than a minute in which we ran out of the shelter to grab the tent and other things and pull it all in to collapse. We made it to the tent, but not back before we got soaked with the rain starting again. At least the tent under the fly will be nice and dry!

The time to leave was approaching and the rain kept coming. It would seem to be stopping (we even saw a great rainbow) and then would restart with fury. In the end, we simply had to shrug and decide to go. So out we went, carrying our barrels down to the boats. We saw, when we made it down the slippery slopes, that the tide had come up quite a bit and several of the stairs were now submerged. Hopefully that would mean all the water would carry us home.



We are such optimists.

So much paddling against the wind later, we finally made it halfway. We zigged and zagged across the river, hiding from the wind as the river snaked towards the sea. And then we were all the way to the end. It was only 20 km… of hard work!



But then we were done for the day! We paddled up to the campground and were warmly welcomed by the staff. A big sign made for the hikers listed all the free things they would do for us if we chose to stay, like showers and WiFi and rides into town and discounts. Woohoo!



Four of us opted to share a cabin together while the other two decided to camp. We all relaxed, showered, did laundry and then asked for a ride into town… so we could watch the new Star Wars together! We grabbed dinner first and did some gear shopping.

The theater was straight out of the 80’s or 70's in decor and layout. It was well maintained, though, and kind of classy in its way. And, of course, the movie was a lot of fun. And the guy whose tent we rescued insisted on paying (demanded!) for the tickets as his way of saying thank you.

We went grocery shopping afterwards. The highlight there was Emily and I were buying two 1-liter bottles of juice that were four for five dollars. In the US, the discount would apply if we just bought two instead of four, but the clerk said just the two were more than 5 dollars. Hmm… So I asked if they had a place we could donate food. She said yes so I ran and got two more bottles. We saved 50 cents and we donated juice to a home. Now that’s a deal!

Back at the cabin, we all six gathered outside to share the holiday together a little more. The Germans shared a treat that they grew up with and somehow found in the store. The Finnish woman had Christmas songs on her phone from Sinatra. The evening was mildly cool and we sat in our coats laughing and talking about culture and the movie and random things. It was truly a special, quiet evening with our friends from around the world. It was a really wonderful Christmas Eve.

Tomorrow we begin a three day series of road walks. Not much of a Christmas plan. But we just had a really great week on the river so we are feeling rested. Onward and Forward!

 Day 55: Koriniti to Hipanga Park Day 57: Whanganui to Koitiata