Day 28: Rest day in Auckland Day 30: Auckland to Auckland  

Day 29: Rest day 2 in Auckland

More doing nothing today. Unless you count being in bed, watching Netflix being productive. It was rainy and windy so it made staying in bed that much better. We did get laundry done, so that’s something. And I got some images loaded on older posts. (The Internet is so slow here.)

The big event of the day was it being our Cyprus friend’s birthday. The six of us in town went out to celebrate and that was fun. We all have so many shared experiences, both good and bad that there was a lot of fun conversation. (Raetea sucks, road walking sucks, this and that trails were awesome.)

The big conversation point was whether to walk through Auckland or not. It’s 30 km or so of road walking through a city. Meh. Emily and I have been going back and forth, leaning one way and then the other. We came not to hike every meter, but to have the Te Araroa experience. Does taking the bus make it an experience? Hard to say. At this point, we haven’t bought bus tickets so we will probably walk it. But we’re not feeling excited. More like “okay, I guess, alright, let’s get it over with.” Most everyone else is taking the bus so we are definitely in the minority.

Tomorrow we will make stops at the post office, grocery store, and maybe the outdoor store one more time. Time to get moving again!

 Day 28: Rest day in Auckland Day 30: Auckland to Auckland