Day 27: Stillwater to Auckland Day 29: Rest day 2 in Auckland 

Day 28: Rest day in Auckland

Last night was the first time either of us had slept in a large hostel room. There were 12 of us. One guy sprayed cologne into the air around my bunk and walked through it on his way out the door, leaving a thick cloud of the stuff for the rest of us. One girl just started changing in front of us. Took all her clothes off and put new ones on like she was by herself. No snorers, though, so that was cool.

We did have all of these plans to get things done. But the post office is closed on the weekend, we have enough food for now, and laundry only takes a couple of hours. So the only thing that really got done was transferring to a private room at the YHA hostel. Much better!

We did (eventually) make our way out to dinner. We strolled around downtown, passing Chinese restaurant after Chinese restaurant. In one strip mall, we passed no less than 6 consecutive versions. The next strip mall over had even more. We don’t know how they all stay in business. We settled on the food court at the futuristic mall and meandered back to the room to pass out.

Very nice day of nearly nothing.

 Day 27: Stillwater to Auckland Day 29: Rest day 2 in Auckland